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Tourism Analytics

for countries, regions and other players
of the travel market
Analytical center of Profi.Travel media holding offers to Russian regions and foreign destinations its capabilities for in-depth research and expert analysis of tourist flows, product, competitive field, market volume and other indicators.

Our 20-years' experience in tourism allow us not only to evaluate correctly the current state
of tourism in the destination and potential target audience, but also to develop practical recommendations for product development or entering new segments of the target market.

What Profi.Travel analytics gives

Understanding of a tourist: who is he, where is he from, what are his interests, and how many similar tourists can be attracted

Who are your tourists in Russia: their socio-demographic profile, psychological characteristics, life interests and interests in the field of tourism
Where are your tourists from, and which target markets in Russian regions are the most promising for you
Which locations and leisure formats are interesting for tourists - heatmaps of points of attraction
How many Russian tourists can be attracted with the current tourist offer. The forecast based on machine learning

Search for ways to develop and promote a tourist product

Analysis of the tourism product and its potential: how much does it meet the needs of the target audience of tourists, and which audience can be additionally attracted
What else to offer for tourists? Opportunities for expanding the time frames of high season, increasing the average check, promoting new types of tourism, etc.
Evaluation of the competitiveness of a country, region, resort on the Russian market; understanding the strengths and weaknesses of your tourism product in comparison with competitors
Evaluation of internal and external market factors, favorable and unfavorable for the promotion of certain tourism products and types of tourism
Nadja Ebel
Head of Profi.Travel Analytical Center
Travel analytics based on big data today is much more than just counting the tourists. This is the ability to manage tourist flows. Knowing the features of your own tourist, his psychology and a wide variety of interests you can create new tourist products, increase the average check, «stretch» the time frames of high season, promote new types of tourism, and gain new markets.

For each region and destination, we develop an individual set of studies, considering the tourism product and tourism development objectives, working with data from the request stage, in order to isolate a «clean» tourist audience, to developing solutions for a specific region based on the data obtained.

Benefits of Profi.Travel analytics

Major data providers
who possess unique information about tourists and provide maximum audience coverage
Own expertise
accumulated over 20 years of work in the outbound, domestic and inbound tourism markets
Working with Russian regions within the Federal Law №44
33 Russian regions are Profi.Travel clients
Individual research sets

considering the specifics and objectives of the client
Interpretation of
received data
considering the tourist market special features
Development of practical recommendations
based on research results
Traditional ways of collecting information about tourist flow
Analytics based on
big data
Human factor
at the stages of drawing up a questionnaire and communicating with respondents
Several measurements are needed
to identify dynamics
Analysis based on
tourists' own responses
Limiting information
to a set of questions
Almost 100% coverage of the tourist flow
data processing
Possibility to receive
retrospective data immediately
Analysis based on
real behavior of tourists
Possibility to receive
tourist information, that cannot be revealed by questions

How do we conduct research?

1. Processing data about millions of tourists with machine learning methods
Connecting users' location data with their social media profiles and online behavior
2. Highlighting a super detailed portrait of a tourist
We study not only socio-demographic characteristics of the tourist (gender, age, family, income), but mainly his psychological and behavioral portrait, life interests, media consumption features and behavior, and also preferences in the field of tourism.
3. Determination of potential volume of the tourist audience and market segmentation
We determine how many tourists can be intrested in the destination or the region with its' existing tourism product. Identify current, promising and competitive target markets.
4. Points of attraction and tourism products research
We identify popular and perspective
locations and formats of tourists' recreation, analyze the existing tourism product, the competitiveness of the destination and potential growth points.

5. Solutions for the development of tourism in the destination
Analysis of the identified interests of tourists, which are not implemented in the current tourism product, best practices in Russia and in the world, social trends and factors for the development of tourism.
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